Inshore Fishing in The Golden Isles
Captain Mark Noble-
the best in
South Ga fishing!!

Among most productive estuaries found anywhere in the world. 
Shrimp, blue crab flourish here trout, redfish respond in like fashion.
Georgia Fishing offers the best fishing of anywhere. Such a Large variety of Sport Fishing as well as Fishing for Eating Fish
Inshore fishing is just about fantastic all year long. Trout and Red Fish (also known as Red Drum) are always  great eating fish as well as fun to catch. So if there is just a couple of you or you may wanna bring a friend or two, give us a call and let's go fishing! 4 people on these inshore trips is best-we can put up to 6 on a boat-but you would enjoy the trip so much more with less confusion.

Trout Fishing in The Golden Isles of Georgia can produce some nice size trout. Trout is a great fish to eat. Smoked, grilled, fried or baked..doesn't really matter-just come get yours and fix your plate!

Imagine "The summer fishing trip of a lifetime",  only requires a short drive to the
Georgia coast, and the cost is a lot less than one might imagine.
Numerous species of excellent eating and fighting fish inhabit the fertile waters of
Georgia's barrier islands and inland, tidal rivers and creeks during the summer months.
Any one of these might convert even the most dedicated freshwater angler.

The most prevalent, one of the best eating and easiest to catch of the available species
is the spotted sea trout or "speck" as it is often referred to by locals along the Georgia
coast. These saltwater trout, which are really spotted weakfish, can be caught
inexpensively by anyone.
A true estuarine species, the trout's life cycle is spent in the bays, sounds and creeks near the fertile marshes where it can feed on the abundance of shrimp and minnows. Provided enough food is available, sea trout seldom migrate very far from where they were born.
One of the largest concentrations of easily accessible public fishing areas suitable for sea trout fishing is in the Brunswick and Golden Isles area of Glynn County, the heart of fishing paradise!

Trout & Red Drum (Red Fish) fishing is all year long.

Red Fish:
St. Simons Island, Sea Island and Jekyll Island Georgia offers the traveling angler great Red Drum fishing opportunities. Red Drum thrive in the maze of back water marshes. One can spend days exploring the winding creeks and rivers. These back water areas are a virtual bread basket for prowling Red Drum  Oyster beds, creek mouths and grass edges using the Thunder Chicken popping cork with artificial and live bait is the most productive method. The slot size on Red Drum is 14 inches to 23 inches and a five fish per person limit. Many days one can expect to limit out and some days its hard to find one small enough to keep. One thing is for certain - Georgia has world class Red Drum fishing.

The Coast of The Golden Isles has one of the largest ecological estuaries in the south. Because of the ecosystem here we have a variety of fish coming into feed off of the natural bred fish of the area.

Common fin fish in Georgia's estuaries include black drum, croaker, flounder, red drum, sheep head, spotted sea trout, striped mullet, and whiting. The Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus), a fish highly popular with recreational anglers, is generally found in estuaries during the summer. Occasionally, it will enter freshwater. Depending on salinity, temperature, and food availability, adult fish move in schools to the ocean during spring and fall. Juvenile fish generally remain in the estuaries even during the winter.

Whiting is also a great Inshore trip-but it gives you a little more "ocean feel" to your trip. The Whiting trip is one of the most exciting trips we have to offer for
kids-especially those who bore very easily. This trip is pretty fun and you always have something at the other one of the line. The Whiting are spawning and because of our large ecological estuary system we have a large variety of fish that come in to feed on the Whiting during this time.  Whiting is also a great eating fish.

Bull Red Drum fishing is another great love for some fishermen. The Bull Reds
generally stay out in the ocean but come in closer to shore from September-November.
These can be caught during other times of the year-you just have to go out further to get them. Bull Red Drum are mature Red Fish measuring over 34 inches.

Trout and Red Drum (red fish) Fishing:
All year round

Peak Seasons: May-June & September-December.

Whiting Fishing:

Bull Red Fishing:
Peak Season: September-mid November.(Near shore)

Triple Tail Fishing:
Triple Tail fishing is a very exciting "sight" fishing to take! The winds and the sun have to be just right! These fish like to "play possum" so they are hard to see.
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